Winter by Kenneth Vincent
Kenneth Vincent

Born into a centuries-long line of fisherman and farmers who made their homes on Martha’s Vineyard, Kenneth Vincent was raised on his family’s farm in West Tisbury.


With the Island as a backdrop to his youth, Ken grew up with a unique perspective of life on Martha’s Vineyard. For Ken, every landscape of Martha’s Vineyard has a memory attached, and this is what draws him to the subjects he chooses to paint.


After graduating from Rhode Island School of Design and the RISD Honors Program in Rome, Ken worked in illustration before starting to paint. He worked for the Martha’s Vineyard Times, illustrating favorite local hikes off the beaten track for “The Walks” column. This began a journey of rediscovering the many forgotten vistas the Island has to offer. While working at the Martha’s Vineyard hospital as a janitor, Ken was commissioned to paint a mural on the hospital walls. Realizing he could earn a better living making art than cleaning floors, Ken began painting and illustrating full-time.


Ken has two sons and lives year-round on the Vineyard where he shares a studio with fellow Granary Gallery artist David Wallis, in a space that formerly served as the West Tisbury police station. When not painting, Ken teaches art at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School, and works as an educator and an illustrator for children’s books.


An Interview at the Granary Gallery with artist Kenneth Vincent, gallery director David Wallis and owner Chris Morse

Kenneth Vincent
Oil on Canvas
8" x 10"     Framed: 10" x 12"
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