Rubi Rose by Eva Cincotta
Eva Cincotta
Born North of Boston, Eva Cincotta graduated from the School of Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, degree program, and Tufts University with a degree in Education.  She is a member of the Rockport Art Association, Malden Sketch Group and currently teaches Art the North Shore Community College.  She is a past member of the Copley Society.   Whether painting in the studio or plein-air, the paintings are colorful spontaneous interpretations. They are a reaction that retains the freshness of immediate observation, the life of the subject, movement, and its essence. This is made possible by understanding the underlying structure; there is no substitute for experience and drawing.   Eva’s work is painterly and fun loving ranging from cows, to houses, to children. She mostly uses oil paint to give her paintings a rich sense of color as well as brightness. She has exhibited mainly within Massachusetts with the addition of New York and Connecticut. Exhibiting and working on the Island for 14 years, her summers here are happily consumed with painting and teaching the process.  She teaches painting at the Featherstone Art Center and the Martha's Vineyard Art Association.   Artist Statement:         “Painting outdoors seemed like such a wonderful idea, but I soon realized I was completely unprepared for this process and would have to be persistent with many starts before having any success. I loved the idea of painting ordinary mundane subject matter of which I was familiar and transform and elevate that into colorful images. My work shifted from any attempt to present the world as it appears- but find myself involved in finding unusual positions to view, familiar subjects-or oddly contradicting scenes like crooked streets and leaning buildings.         “There is a certain satisfaction with combining this tension of space, balance, and subject matter into the appropriate format. Then there is the adjustment of color and light on the images that take on the qualities of past nostalgia and the comfort of memories from simpler times. When choosing subject matter, some of my selected manmade places have survived to the present. Many are disguised with modern updating and additions, others rehabbed in all their original glory. My urge is to present the world that is more desirable and transport one to a past place which can be more comforting than the present. There is a memory of small town or community connection, a past place that looks lonely, but friendly.”
Rubi Rose
Eva Cincotta
Oil on Canvas
4" x 4"
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