Daydreaming Marilyn by Alfred Eisenstaedt
  • Alfred Eisenstaedt

  • Title:Daydreaming Marilyn
  • Inventory#:EISENA100194
  • Size:10" x 10"
  • Frame Size:18" x 18"
  • Medium:Color Print
  • Price:$2,450
  • Title: "Daydreaming Marilyn (eyes closed, hand on cheek-#4)" Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt Date: 1953 Location: Hollywood, CA
    Print Size Edition Size Notes
    16x16 80/AP8/PP8/EP4 Embossed
  • Limited Edition of 80

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Alfred Eisenstaedt

Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898-1995)


Alfred Eisenstaedt, or “Eisie,” as his friends called him, was born of well-

to-do parents in Dirchau, West Prussia (now part of Poland), in 1898.

As a boy, Alfred enjoyed listening to symphonies and even thought of studying to become a musician. But on his thirteenth birthday an uncle presented him with a gift; this folding Eastman Kodak Number Three led Eisie to his lifelong dedication to photography. After being drafted into the German army and recovering from a crippling war injury, Eisie became a familiar figure at the local art museums. There he studied the paintings of the masters, particularly with an eye to their handling of composition and lighting.

By 1929 Eisie was earning more as a freelance photographer than he was as a salesman. Within days of deciding to take photos full-time, Pacific and Atlantic Photos (later the Associated Press) sent him on assignment to Stockholm. He continued to build a name for himself by taking pictures of topical interest. In 1932, Eisie bought his first Leica, the 35mm camera that was revolutionizing photojournalism.

In 1935 Eisie left Europe, arriving in New York at the end of November. After presenting some of his recent work to executive editor Daniel Longwell of LIFE, Eisie was hired. Within a few months Eisie had become one of the four staff photographers for the new magazine. Considered one of the foremost photojournalists of this century, Eisenstaedt has been given a multitude of exhibitions, awards, and medals.

Daydreaming Marilyn
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Color Print
10" x 10"     Framed: 18" x 18"
1953     Edition of 80
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