Summer Splendor by Terry Crimmen
Terry Crimmen

Terry Crimmen is a self-taught artist. After moving to Martha’s Vineyard in 1994, Terry worked as a decorative painter. It wasn’t until 2011 that he began showing his paintings at galleries around the Island.

From a young age, Terry has been interested in art and artists. His inspiration is the art of everyday life. He counts among his greatest influences Edward Hopper and Mr. Dickerson, his art teacher in the first grade.

Terry’s recent paintings reflect the joy of growing up on the shores of Lake Erie. He works from vintage photographs and his own memory to create paintings that are evocative and relatable.

“If I’m not painting, I’m thinking about painting,” Terry says. “Living on the Vineyard with so many amazing artists is an education in itself.”

Summer Splendor
Terry Crimmen
Oil on Canvas
36" x 60"
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